- Cloud Computing
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About the Course
AWS Architect Certification Training from Apc Learning is designed to make you an expert in EC2, EIP, ELB, Auto Scaling, EBS, S3, Glacier, Snowball, Cloud front, VPC, Dynamo DB, Redshift, IAM, KMS, Cloud watch and Cloud Trail. The sessions will be conducted by Industry practitioners who will train you to leverage AWS services to make the AWS cloud infrastructure scalable, reliable, and highly available. This course is completely aligned to AWS Architect Certification – Associate Level exam conducted by Amazon Web Services.
Module 1
Introduction and getting started with AWS
Learning Objectives – In this module, you can learn about the different projects and services of AWS. You can also understand the Global Infrastructure of AWS. Different types of EC2 instances and instance purchasing options.
✓ Introduction to Cloud Computing
✓ Different AWS projects and services
✓ Setting up of the AWS account
✓ AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits
✓ EC2 instances
✓ Different EC2 Instance purchasing options and placement groups
Practical’s to be covered: Setting up an AWS account.
Module 2
Amazon EC2
Learning Objectives – This module talks about the introduction to the compute offering from AWS called EC2. We will cover different
Amazon AMIs. This also includes a demo on launching an AWS EC2 instance, connecting with an instance and hosting a website on the
AWS EC2 instance.
✓ Amazon AMI
✓ Demo on AMI creation, security groups, key pairs, various tenancy options
✓ Elastic IP vs Public IP
Practical’s to be covered: Launching a free tier Ubuntu Instance, deploying a WordPress Blog on Amazon EC2 Windows Instance.
Module 3
Storage Services and AWS CLI
Learning Objectives – In this module, you can learn about the different storage services offered by AWS, and how they can be used to
Transfer data from one place to another.
✓ Traditional storage tiers
✓ Disadvantages of traditional storage over cloud
✓ AWS storage options: EBS, S3 & Glacier
✓ AWS Connecting Storage: Snowball & Storage Gateway
✓ AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
Practical’s to be covered: Restoring an Amazon EBS Volume from a Snapshot, hosting a website on Amazon S3, deploying an On-
Premises Gateway (Gateway – Cached), running commands on AWS CLI.
Module 4
Virtual Private Cloud & Direct Connect
Learning Objectives – This module deals with the introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. It will help you understand how you can make public and private subnets with AWS VPC, along with a demo on
creating VPC.
This module will also provide an overview of AWS Direct Connect.
✓ Subnet and Subnet Mask
✓ VPC and its benefits
✓ Default and Non-default VPC
✓ Components of VPC
✓ Direct Connect
Practical’s to be covered: Building a non-default VPC and launching an instance in it.
Module 5
Database Services
Learning Objectives – In this module, you can learn about the different database services offered by AWS to deal with structured and unstructured data.
✓ Different database services of AWS: Amazon RDS, Dynamo BD, Redshift, Elastic ache
Practical’s to be covered: Creating a MySQL DB Instance, creating table and running query in Dynamo DB, launching a Red Shift Cluster.
Module 6
Elastic Load Balancing & Auto Scaling
Learning Objectives – This module will help you learn the concepts of ‘Scaling’ and ‘Load distribution techniques’ in AWS. This module also
Includes a demo around load distribution and scaling your resources horizontally based on time or activity.
✓ Components and types of load balancing
✓ Auto scaling and its benefits
✓ The lifecycle of auto scaling
✓ Components and policies of auto scaling
Practical’s to be covered: Working with Elastic Load Balancer, maintaining high availability with Auto Scaling.
Module 7
Route 53 & Management Tools
Learning Objectives – This module deals with Route 53 and the different management tools which covers monitoring AWS resources,
Setting up alerts and notifications for AWS resources and AWS usage billing with AWS Cloud Watch.
✓ Overview of Route 53
✓ Management tools: Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, and Trusted Advisor
Practical’s to be covered: Routing Traffic to AWS Resources through Route 53, Enabling Cloud Trail, Log Delivery to a S3 Bucket, setting up
A billing alert, creating Stack and deploying it in Cloud Formation.
Module 8
Application Services, AWS Lambda & Elastic Beanstalk
Learning Objectives – In this module, you can learn about the different application services of AWS that are used for sending emails and
Notifications. This session also deals with the various compute services of AWS through which you can run your existing code on the cloud.
✓ AWS Application Services: SQS, SNS, SES
✓ AWS Compute Services: Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk
Practical’s to be covered: Sending an Email through SES, running an application through Beanstalk and Copy an S3 object through Lambda.
Module 9
OpsWorks, Security & Identity Services
Learning Objectives – Through this module, you can understand how OpsWorks works, the various components of OpsWorks and how to
Create Chef Recipes for OpsWorks. You can also learn how to achieve distribution of access control with AWS using IAM
✓ Benefits, features and components of OpsWorks
✓ Benefits of Chef, Cookbook, Recipes
✓ OpsWorks lifecycle events
✓ Security and identity services
✓ IAM and KMS
Practical’s to be covered: Creating an OpsWorks stack and deploy an app in the stack, creating an IAM user in AWS account, Encrypt data
Stored in a S3 bucket using an encryption key.
Module 10
Project Discussion & Mock Test
Learning Objectives – This module is primarily a demo of an AWS Project using a real-life case study. It also has a Q&A session to prepare
Learner’s for AWS certifications.
✓ Hands on Workshop
✓ Q/A
✓ Overview of AWS Certification
What are the system requirements for this course?
The system requirements include Minimum 4 GB RAM, i3 processor or above, 20 GB HDD
How will I execute the Practical’s?
For executing the Practicals you will be working on the cloud servers and various other services that
Amazon provides. You can create a Free
Tier account on AWS which will give you an access to all the AWS services. The step-wise guide for accessing these services will be available
in the LMS and APC’s support team will assist you.
Which case studies will be a part of the course?
Problem Statement: Hosting a Website on Amazon Web Services
✓ Configure a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
✓ Create an Application Server within your VPC
✓ Create a Database Server within your VPC
✓ Deploy Your App
✓ Scale and Load-Balance Your Web App within your VPC
✓ Associate a Domain Name with your website
AWS Architect Certification Training
Course Content
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